Partly cloudy
High: 7°C
Wind: SW at 13 mph (21 km/h)
Humidity: 78%%
5%% chance of showers
Overnight rain will gradually die out through the morning. The afternoon will be dry with sunny spells. Maximum temperature 10°C.
Generally dry with bright spells on Sunday, rain spreading southeast in the evening. Dry on Tuesday before rain spreads east on Tuesday, turning persistent across Argyll
Partly cloudy
High: 7°C
Wind: SW at 13 mph (21 km/h)
Humidity: 78%%
5%% chance of showers
Low: 4°C
Wind: SSW at 11 mph (18 km/h)
Humidity: 87%%
15%% chance of showers
High: 8°C
Wind: WSW at 9 mph (14 km/h)
Humidity: 89%%
45%% chance of showers
Partly cloudy
Low: 3°C
Wind: SW at 7 mph (11 km/h)
Humidity: 83%%
1%% chance of showers
High: 8°C
Wind: SW at 16 mph (26 km/h)
Humidity: 77%%
10%% chance of showers
Low: 6°C
Wind: SW at 16 mph (26 km/h)
Humidity: 86%%
45%% chance of showers
High: 9°C
Wind: WSW at 13 mph (21 km/h)
Humidity: 79%%
10%% chance of showers
Low: 6°C
Wind: SW at 11 mph (18 km/h)
Humidity: 90%%
10%% chance of showers
High: 10°C
Wind: SW at 20 mph (32 km/h)
Humidity: 85%%
55%% chance of showers
Light rain
Low: 9°C
Wind: SW at 20 mph (32 km/h)
Humidity: 91%%
55%% chance of showers