Light rain shower
Wind: WSW at 22 mph (35 km/h)
Humidity: 78%
50% chance of showers
The day will be windy with strong to gale force westerly winds. Cloudy with frequent showers in the west but drier with sunny spells towards eastern coasts. Maximum temperature 7°C.
West to northwest gale force winds will continue overnight. Eastern coasts remain mainly dry as frequent showers in the west turn wintry. Minimum temperature 1°C.
Light rain shower
Wind: WSW at 22 mph (35 km/h)
Humidity: 78%
50% chance of showers
Partly cloudy
Wind: WSW at 22 mph (35 km/h)
Humidity: 86%
15% chance of showers
Light rain shower
Wind: WSW at 20 mph (32 km/h)
Humidity: 91%
60% chance of showers
Sleet shower
Wind: WSW at 22 mph (35 km/h)
Humidity: 87%
55% chance of showers