Partly cloudy
High: 15°C
Wind: NNE at 7 mph (11 km/h)
Humidity: 66%%
5%% chance of showers
A murky start, with cloud eventually bringing some heavier and more persistent rain from the north into the afternoon. Becoming clearer, colder and windier later and into the evening. Maximum temperature 9°C.
A marked return to colder conditions in sunny spells but also some showers, with these showers potentially wintry over hills. Breezy at first, but winds easing. Overnight frosts returning.
Partly cloudy
High: 15°C
Wind: NNE at 7 mph (11 km/h)
Humidity: 66%%
5%% chance of showers
Partly cloudy
Low: 5°C
Wind: N at 4 mph (6 km/h)
Humidity: 85%%
5%% chance of showers
High: 10°C
Wind: N at 16 mph (26 km/h)
Humidity: 74%%
20%% chance of showers
Low: 3°C
Wind: NNE at 9 mph (14 km/h)
Humidity: 70%%
15%% chance of showers
High: 7°C
Wind: N at 11 mph (18 km/h)
Humidity: 61%%
15%% chance of showers
Low: 2°C
Wind: WNW at 7 mph (11 km/h)
Humidity: 79%%
45%% chance of showers
Light rain shower
High: 7°C
Wind: N at 7 mph (11 km/h)
Humidity: 78%%
35%% chance of showers
Low: 2°C
Wind: NNW at 7 mph (11 km/h)
Humidity: 89%%
35%% chance of showers
Light rain shower
High: 7°C
Wind: N at 11 mph (18 km/h)
Humidity: 67%%
35%% chance of showers
Low: 1°C
Wind: NNW at 7 mph (11 km/h)
Humidity: 88%%
10%% chance of showers